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    • BlkMagus
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      Pan-Afrikanism is DEAD! I don’t make this statement foolishly and here’s why. The ideological essence of Pan-Afrikanism is still alive because it lives within each of us who strive for Abibifahodie, Abibitumi, and Kujitiwala. But the imagery and voice of Pan-Afrikanism has been infiltrated and destroyed by negroes and our ineptitude to protect the ideology.

      Using the 4 core tenants as the barometer let’s talk about the current imagery and voice. There’s homosexuals claiming to be Pan-Afrikanist who have movements/organizations in the ideology, there’s integrated movements/organizations, there’s non-black movements/organizations claiming to work on behalf of us, and lastly we have charlatans of skin color claiming to have Pan-Afrikanist viewpoints but are fleecing the people of resources.

      While the soul of Pan-Afrikanism is very much still alive, we can’t saved the image and voice of it. This is why adopting the new term “Afrikan Nationalist” is vital to the survival of the soul of Pan-Afrikanism and we must protect this term better than we did the latter.

      I’ll end by saying this, Pan-Afrikanism began its erosion long before we were born because while we look to our Honorable Ancestor Nana Marcus Mosiah Garvey as the premier Pan-Afrikanist of the race we woefully give praise to w.e.b. duboise who worked directly and indirectly for the removal of Garvey, he worked for the u.s. to get Afrikans in Liberia to give the rubber trees so amerikkka can have a source for tires (this is where firestone tires gets its rubber from), he also worked for margaret sanger and got Afrikan women involved in abortions with planned parenthood. Calling ourselves Pan-Afrikanists means we venerate the actions of dubois and that is pure mentacidal.


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